Feature product(s) on Skymart Facebook fan page for 7 days

From: P800.00

Pay a 30% deposit per item
Provided By : Seller Services by SkymartCategory:



Boost your sales by featuring your products on the Skymartbw Facebook page. Batswana are known to be the highest users of Facebook in the world, thus giving you a chance of getting your products and services to reach out to a larger audience if you have your products and services sponsored on the Skymartbw fan page.

Why do it?

  • To generate and increase interest in your products
  • To reach new customers that may have not been aware of your products or services
  • Gather new business leads and advertise your products at lower costs.

Our Services

  • Strategically designing Facebook posts that feature your products so that they are appealing and entice customers to buy.
  • Planning of posting times around forecasted peak hours to be able to reach target markets.
  • Provision of feedback on featured products Facebook post to allow you to understand the interests of your markets better.
  • Boosting Facebook posts to increase reach.